ChatGPT and being a guide on the side

自從有了ChatGPT, 在課堂中一些以前我會主動解釋的概念,現時間中我會請學員即時問ChatGPT, 其中一個目的,是讓學員看到如果是純知識,他們其實不用我去告訴他們,我亦希望借此培養他們的主動求知的精神。

這並不表示我備課變得輕鬆了,只是我的心思變為集中在設計一課的Learning activities, 怎樣的學習活動,怎樣的rundown, 才能再有效地幫助學員學到相關的知識,技能,和態度;這其實比製作一個供兩小時串講的PPT 更花時間,更考功夫,更加需要對題目有更深入的認識。

1993年美國學者Alison King 在一篇journal article 以此為題:From sage on the stage to guide on the side, 31年後的今天有了ChatGPT, 我們更加要反思自己的角色。

數年前,去日本旅行,逛Donki是必有節目, 後來Donki 在香港開分店,初期也很雀躍,還到銅鑼湾店排長龍進場,後來Donki在香港愈開愈多,反而失卻逛的興趣。今天如果去日本旅行,除非很無聊,也不會行Donki。

這是很奇怪的現象,品牌成功,向外擴展業務,反而令人失去興趣。(以前Uniqlo 和Gu 未擴展時,也是日本旅行時的必有節目。不過他們的景況比Donki好。)[0]=AT3nUavBNugxc74yhLQAUDl03A5_rTbN0Ew9vgDcnJwIihPlYmB7gC43XPUP29wyFDYdtM1MAXB06IcauAGp32L5Wxz4pV13cEQwnJMws3MYtHRq23G7RQJ2D2Baxhfydy7HoNnAD9Ni45xK3YfWQqXvKuI

Are we doing anything to support EMI students’ learning of the content subjects through English?

這陣子中學觀課,偶然看看學生其他科目的教科書,內裏的篇章無論是文字和概念都比同級英文教科書的篇章深得多,今天终於忍不住,把學生中二Science教科書的其中一頁影下來,供 language awareness一科 的学員在稍後的 language across the curriculum 一節中討論。

有時不禁想,今天英文科閱讀教學仍在甚麼text type和reading skills 中糾纏,固然英文科有我們的課程目標,但從學生角度,直覺就是英文科的英文「淺」得多,會不會因而輕視英文科?

Peter, Paul, and Mary

I needed a story script to check out a mobile app for creating a picture book from a written story. Below is the ad hoc story I have written:

One Saturday afternoon, Paul, a senior citizen, was having a stroll in a forest.

Half an hour later, Paul realised that he was lost.

He started to panic.

Then he heard a woman and a man singing in the distance.

They were singing the song called “Where have all the flowers gone?”

Paul walked in the direction of the woman and the man.

Ten minutes later, Paul saw them. They were  sitting on the grass and they looked happy.

But Paul was looking worried. The woman and the man asked him what had happened.

Paul told them the reason. The woman and the man asked  Paul to stop worrying as they knew the forest very well and they would take him out of the forest.

Then the woman and the man introduced themselves. The woman’s name was Mary. The man’s name was Peter.

Paul started to wonder, “Are they the Mary and the Peter that I had lost touch with twenty years ago?”

Then he said to Mary and Peter, “A moment ago, you were singing ‘Where have all the flowers gone?’. Do you also know how to sing Puff the Magic Dragon?”

Mary and Peter said, “Of course we do.” Then they started to sing Puff the Magic Dragon. Paul couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing. Then he  couldn’t help singing along with Peter and Mary.

Ten seconds later, Mary and Peter stopped singing, and  said to Paul, “How come you can also sing Puff the Magic Dragon? Other than us, there’s only one guy in the world called Paul who would know how to sing this song.”

At this point, Paul said to the totally stupefied Peter and Mary, “I am Paul that lost connection with you 20 years ago.”

Then they hugged each other, and continued to sing Puff the Magic Dragon merrily.



當年入中大教書時,從這個位置望下去,一幢建築物也沒有……, 只有茂密的叢林,和遠處寧靜的海灣。


Chatting with ChatGPT vs Chatting with a Human

So I asked ChatGPT to generate a poem for me. It not only gave me a poem in 5 seconds; it asked me what I thought of his poem. I gave him a thumbs–up. He then thanked me and told me he actually enjoyed writing poems, and asked me if I would want another one.

That’s why ChatGPT can be addictive; it can be even more interactive, rewarding,, and heartwarming than voice/text chatting with a human!

Bridge is also a sport!

先前我詫異gaming也是運動,原來更靜態的橋牌也是亞運項目。當然我在某次運動展看過下棋也包含在內。這也好,令我坐著玩新eLearning app時也覺得自己在做運動。[0]=AT1vSPp-UxCC3qlYNnQlZ2Pqv6361K5tDrh07beQWr8O8iszvmmRTYoJJAzZBLATi5O-bI9omRCi76JViZ8X_sZiPCM1z6A2ML7skLwTxVh3EucwHW_WjdlvHME1gyqltHheiRuN8cYByaPtzIjFEtJD2BYb6kMjfAYEu3XRx4hIwJG0eLWXmQ